Ayurveda is known as the science of life and long living. It’s estimated that Ayurveda originated in india some 2500 years back. Ayurveda was practiced by both Dravidians and Aryans. It is wholly a naturalistic system which concentrates on the diagnosis of body humours namely vata, kapha and pitha.It aims at attaining the proper balance between vata, pitha and kapha. This field of medicine aims at the spiritual, mental and physical growth of humanity.

 Kerala may be the land of Vedic sciences. Ayurveda in kerala have stood against numerous foreign and native intrusions and invasions. A practitioner of Ayurvedic system is known as a ‘vaidyar ‘. The Ashta vaidyas treated virtually all kinds of illness in their state for a huge selection of years. In kerala, Ayurveda is no alternative system but oahu is the mainstream.  The climate of Kerala can also be very favorable for practicing Ayurvedic system. The cool monsoons, equable temperature and the abundance of rain forest allow it to be easier for the restorative packages of Ayurveda. Moisture content is quite high in the air and also on your skin surface this makes natural medicines to work faster. Also kerala is abundant in large amount of medicinal plants employed for Ayurveda and the soil is abundant with alkaloid content which advances the potency of the medicines. In kerala an individual friendly explanation by Vagbhata is extensively used and also kashaya chikitsa is prominent. Numerous kinds of kashayams are classified and employed for several types of diseases. Remedy method using kizhi can also be practiced extensively.

 The Goverentment of kerala have classified most of the ayurvedic centers in their state into two categories on the basis of the quality standards. They’re olive leaf category and green leaf category. The key ayurvedic treatment packages for the tourists include Rejuvenation therapy or Rasayana chikitsa, Body sudation or Sweda karma, overall fitness by panchakarma, body slimming, beauty care and also meditation and yoga. The rejuvenation therapy strengthens most of the tissue in the torso and helps to reach longevity. It increases vitality and improves mental clarity thus increasing the resistance of the body. It offers the massaging of face, head and body with medicated oils, internal medicines and steam bath. Kayakalpa chikitsa is employed to retard ageing and to supply freshness for mind and the body. Body sudation or sweda karma is just a medicated steam bath which supports to lessen fat from the human body, removes impurities and also improves the complexion of the skin. For body slimming herbal powders and medicated oil massages are used. To boost the complexion and tone of your skin and the human body face packs, herbal tea and oil massages are implemented. The tourists will also be taught to apply yoga which can be needed for mental and physical well being. Panchakarma chikitsa is employed for the entire wellness of the body. It tunes the organs, breath, body, mind, nerves and additionally, it purifies blood.

 In kerala Ayurveda isn’t only medical care system but it’s living design of the people. The miracles like curing incurable diseases happen even yet in the current day.

Kerala Ayurveda

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